Clickable Awesomic logo. The C in Awesomic doubles as a smiling emoji with one of the eyes being a star.

6 Easy Design Hacks for Making Your Website Look Amazing

1. Use High-Quality Images 

One of the easiest ways to have the best website design is to use high-quality images. That means all the images on your website are superior and relevant to your brand. Stock photos can be cheesy and off-putting, so try to avoid them if possible. 

Getting custom graphic designs or custom illustrations will give you the best results. Yet, if you insist on using stock photos, edit them so they look unique to your site. You can change the color scheme or add text or graphics overlays.

2. Utilize Empty Space 

Many people make the mistake of packing too much information onto their website, which can be overwhelming for users. Instead of cramming everything in, leave some empty space on your pages. This will help users focus on essential information and make your site more visually appealing.

3. Create a Custom Logo 

A custom logo is a great way to make your site look more professional and established. If you don't have the budget to hire a designer, plenty of DIY logo tools are available online to help you create a logo for free or for a small fee. Once you have your logo, use it consistently across all your marketing materials, including social media platforms, business cards, and email signatures.

4. Use Complementary Colors 

Be careful when choosing the colors for your website—you want to ensure they complement each other well. If you're unsure which colors will work best for your site, try following the 60-30-10 rule: 60% of your site should be one dominant color, 30% should be a secondary color, and 10% should be an accent color. 

Many businesses have successfully chosen one light color and one dark color that work well together. You can also use shades of the same color for a more cohesive look. Avoid using more than three colors on any page, as this can confuse users. The goal is to create a cohesive look that is eye-catching but not overwhelming.            

5. Incorporate Videos and Animations 

Another way to have the best website design is to add videos and animations. It is an easy way to add some personality to your website while keeping users engaged. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that any videos or animations you use are relevant to your brand and add value for users—no one wants to see a pointless ad or promotional video that doesn't tell them anything about your company or product.

6. Use Typography to Your Advantage

Typography is an essential aspect of web design, so choosing fonts that are easy to read and convey the right tone for your brand is vital. Stick with two or three fonts at most, and make sure they complement each other well. 

Also, be mindful of how you use different font sizes – you want to ensure that all of your text is legible without being too small or too large.

Your Business Deserves the Best Website Design 

First impressions matter—and in today's digital world, potential customers will often judge your business based on its website design before they even visit your store or speak to you on the phone. Making simple changes like those outlined above can go a long way in creating the best website design and making sure potential customers see your business in a positive light from the very start. 

So what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to take your website design to the next level, contact our dedicated team today to learn more about how Awesomic can help!

1. Use High-Quality Images 

One of the easiest ways to have the best website design is to use high-quality images. That means all the images on your website are superior and relevant to your brand. Stock photos can be cheesy and off-putting, so try to avoid them if possible. 

Getting custom graphic designs or custom illustrations will give you the best results. Yet, if you insist on using stock photos, edit them so they look unique to your site. You can change the color scheme or add text or graphics overlays.

2. Utilize Empty Space 

Many people make the mistake of packing too much information onto their website, which can be overwhelming for users. Instead of cramming everything in, leave some empty space on your pages. This will help users focus on essential information and make your site more visually appealing.

3. Create a Custom Logo 

A custom logo is a great way to make your site look more professional and established. If you don't have the budget to hire a designer, plenty of DIY logo tools are available online to help you create a logo for free or for a small fee. Once you have your logo, use it consistently across all your marketing materials, including social media platforms, business cards, and email signatures.

4. Use Complementary Colors 

Be careful when choosing the colors for your website—you want to ensure they complement each other well. If you're unsure which colors will work best for your site, try following the 60-30-10 rule: 60% of your site should be one dominant color, 30% should be a secondary color, and 10% should be an accent color. 

Many businesses have successfully chosen one light color and one dark color that work well together. You can also use shades of the same color for a more cohesive look. Avoid using more than three colors on any page, as this can confuse users. The goal is to create a cohesive look that is eye-catching but not overwhelming.            

5. Incorporate Videos and Animations 

Another way to have the best website design is to add videos and animations. It is an easy way to add some personality to your website while keeping users engaged. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that any videos or animations you use are relevant to your brand and add value for users—no one wants to see a pointless ad or promotional video that doesn't tell them anything about your company or product.

6. Use Typography to Your Advantage

Typography is an essential aspect of web design, so choosing fonts that are easy to read and convey the right tone for your brand is vital. Stick with two or three fonts at most, and make sure they complement each other well. 

Also, be mindful of how you use different font sizes – you want to ensure that all of your text is legible without being too small or too large.

Your Business Deserves the Best Website Design 

First impressions matter—and in today's digital world, potential customers will often judge your business based on its website design before they even visit your store or speak to you on the phone. Making simple changes like those outlined above can go a long way in creating the best website design and making sure potential customers see your business in a positive light from the very start. 

So what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to take your website design to the next level, contact our dedicated team today to learn more about how Awesomic can help!

WitH Awesomic, you let us know the destination — we match you with the crew